Monday, June 29, 2015

Hello Family 

Things have been great here! We are teaching a lot through out the week and we have more investigators who are progressing. For baptisms the closest one is an investigator who we have been teaching for a while. Here name is Sister Camacho. She needs to get married to her 'husband' in order to here to be baptized but she is doing great. We are also teaching several of here children who are also doing great and have baptismal dates. As long as the can get married and be completely prepared they will be baptized around the end of July or beginning of August. Im really looking forward to it and they are doing great. Its so cool to see how far they have come a long. We have many other investigators who are doing great and have baptismal dates. The only issue is getting people to church. Its so hard for some investigators to come to church. Even though they are reading and praying on a regular basis the some times aren't at church. That is just a common issue everywhere im sure.Our mission now has a goal for weekly baptisms. Im not sure if I have mentioned that yet but we are working super hard to reach that goal. We have been seeing miracles in our area everyday and Im really looking forward to seeing the progression of the branch here in Coron. Things have been great this week

Monday, June 22, 2015

Hello Jones Family! 

So I told you in my last letter that we had a very challenging week. But this week was absolutely amazing! We taught so much and found tons of new investigators. We taught 20 lessons and had 30 new investigators which are mostly families! It was so great and many of them are so interested in our message and love it when we come visit. One family we are now teaching is so great. The first visit with them was amazing and the spirit was so strong there and my companion and I knew it for sure but after we taught we asked them if we could help them with anything and the father said yes our son has a fever could you give him a blessing. It was so great to see them trust us enough and have enough faith to ask us to do that in the first visit. So we gave their baby a blessing. Several days when we returned after talking with them for a few minutes and seeing how they were doing the father told us that just hours after we had given his son a blessing he was back to normal. His fever was gone and he started to eat and drink again. It was such an amazing experience and It really strengthened mine and my companions faith and desire to help others. We have taught them twice now and they are doing great. I'm so excited to see how the do in the future. We found many other investigators who were amazing and one of them we found through a referral. They live pretty far away but we walked all the way to their home yesterday and met them. There are super prepared and the immediately said sorry for not being able to go to church earlier. The father wasn't home but we had a member with us so we were able to teach. We only taught a little and one of their little sons wanted to pray for us so he did then he asked me for a restoration pamphlet so I gave one to him. He started jumping around saying " Binigyan ako" which is kinda like He gave me one! It was really cool to teach them and we have a return appointment tomorrow! 

Things are going great here! We are having so much fun and Im learning a lot. I wish i could say more but we have to go shop now. I love you all so much and I miss you all too! have a great week!! 

Elder Jones

Thursday, June 18, 2015

How are all of you doing

So this week was actually one of the hardest weeks so far in my mission. My companion and I went all over the place trying to teach and we always ran into a situation where we couldn't teach. For example the the father of the family was still at work and wouldn't be home to much later or they just weren't at home at all. It was very difficult and we kept asking ourselves what we needed to do to fix it. Unfortunately the entire week was like this. We tried so many different things and nothing was working. But this doesn't mean we had a terrible week. When we did teach we had some very neat things happen. One of our investigators is a 17 year old boy who is very interested and when we taught him about the restoration he told us that he is like Joseph Smith. He wants to know the truth but doesn't know where it is. The next time we came back we asked if her read his assignment. He did and he also had some questions like "why was Jesus Christ baptized?" "Why did he need to be baptized?" "Why do we need to endure to the end?" and some other questions like that. It was so cool and then he told us that he also prayed about our message and the book of Mormon. He said he felt something inside him like he had never felt before and then we committed him to be baptized. We had several other amazing experiences with some of our other investigators where they kept their commitments. It was a very hard week yes, but very rewarding and definitely worth it. I think this week will be great! I'm super excited to go back out and work later tonight and I know are day is going to be great. 

Thank you guys for everything!! Love you all so much!! BYE!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Hey all

So right  now everything is going good with our investigators we are just trying to get more investigators progressing. Its so hard though. We found a lot of new investigators who seem very interested this week and we were able to teach a lot. Our focus this week as a companionship is to help investigators progress. since now they mission is shooting for weekly baptisms we need to always be finding and teaching and baptizing. We can do it though and our area is now very capable of having weekly baptisms. It will probably still be a month of so before we start seeing weekly baptisms but we have been working super hard to reach that goal. One of our investigators, Sister Camacho, is progressing very well. She is always at church and she told us she knows its true. We are also teaching one of her daughters and now one of her sons. They are all progressing and have baptismal dates next month. The only problem is we found out that sister Camacho is married yet. She told us though that she has been talking to her "Husband" about them being married. I'm super excited to see them be baptized. She has also been inviting friends to go to church and to listen to us. We have several new investigators because of her. 

Last week we also found another sister who was taught by missionaries before. She asked for a book of Mormon and said she wanted us to teach her. It was super cool to find someone who really wants to hear from us and someone so prepared for the gospel. We will going back and teaching her later this week.

Have a great week! Love you all! Miss you a ton! 

Love Elder Jones

Monday, June 1, 2015

Hello Jones Family

This week was pretty good! We taught a good amount and had 18 new
investigators so we have a lot of following up to do and lots of
people we need to visit! This week is going t be super busy. We also
had a really cool experience yesterday! About 3 weeks ago we found a
recent investigator's teaching report and we decided to go visit them
in a part of our area called Kaligasgasan. We talk to so many people
trying to find this person and we spent some good time trying to find
them and we didn't! We just decided we couldn't keep spending time
trying to find this person so we haven't went looking for them since.
Yesterday we were in a part of our area called Bakawan and while
walking down the planks to an appointment we heard someone say Elders.
We stopped and talk to them and she said Elders had taught her before.
We asked what her name was and it ended up being the one family we
were looking for in Kaligasgasan. They had moved. We set up a return
appointment for Tuesday.
And we don't talk to a lot of tourists just because they are always in town and we spend a lot of time where the people live which is a just right outside of the town. But some
times they ask for directions then we talk to them about the gospel. 
I'm short on time so I need to go! But I love you all and Miss you!!!
Have a great week!! BYE!!!

Elder Jones